on December 4, 2015

todoThe Thanksgiving marathon cooking frenzy is over and it’s time for a breather before Christmas shopping begins. But that was in the past, now I’m officially an author. I believe having breathing space between holidays is a luxury I’m not likely so see again. Decorating the Christmas tree in past years was done during the weekend following Thanksgiving. Not this year. Instead, I was writing my December Author News, Author Blog, newsletter and wondering how Author Chats work. I was told I’d be logging in at 9:00 pm on December 1st and chat for an hour. What does one, very new author, chat about for an hour?

I’m now three days into December and the wreaths that belong on the front of the house are still tucked away in the Christmas room in the basement. I should go and pull them out and pop them onto their hooks, but heck, it snowed last night. Maybe, I’ll get to them tomorrow. My second book, A Beacon In The Dark, arrived from my copy editor yesterday. So that means I have 100,000 plus word count story to revise. And, I have the various blurbs to write so they can be added to my website and social media.

Maybe, I can get to the Christmas tree this weekend after the Northeast Ohio Chapter of Romance Writers of America’s Holiday Luncheon. On my way home, I have to stop in at a friend’s Open House. Maybe, I’ll be too tired to do all that bending and stretching and ladder climbing that’s necessary for holiday decorating.

I’m writing this from the comfort of my dealership’s customer lounge while I wait for an oil change and recall check. I’m learning the true meaning of multi-tasking. As for the tree . . . I still have twenty-two days left.