It seems like only yesterday when I finished decorating the Christmas tree for the holiday season. Fleeting glimpses into my next book, WINDSWEPT danced around in my head yet I wasn’t ready to commit them to paper, actually my laptop. Festivities with family and friends kept any serious writing at bay, along with the twenty inches of snow that dumped on us the days following Thanksgiving.
The snow continued into January, so did temperatures in the single digits. Four to six inches of snow is typical weather for northeastern Ohio, but that much in the deep south??? The kids looked like they were having a once-in-a-lifetime adventure. That snow and ice created a whole new adventure for the adults who had to figure out how to drive in that stuff. So, I huddled down and began writing.
My research so far has taken me from Mob Bosses of the 1960s to the present-day areas of Traverse City, Michigan and the Florida Keys. I must say that I’m so impressed with the diversity of the Traverse City region that I feel a road trip this summer is in order.
This bit of catch-up has been nice, but I must get back to Windswept. I’m about to throw Winifred Forrester into another difficult situation.